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Week 1175

I didn’t have time to write last weekend since we participated in the SPC x OpenAI hackathon. At the hackathon, we built an AI powered digital cat that you can converse with. It also has context of your screen via GPT-4V so it can watch movies with you, give you critiques about your code, and probably a bunch of other stuff that we haven’t even thought of yet. We ended up winning the ‘most creative’ award which gave us a nice boost of motivation. After the hackathon, we’ve been working on giving Toby control over mouse and keyboard inputs so it can do things like navigate the web and play games. The hardest part has been figuring out how to reduce latency across the tech stack. The tech isn’t there right now to create the smooth, real-time experience that most consumers would expect but it feels so close. Maybe just a few months away. Just gotta keep grinding I guess.


I watched Dune 2 and it reminded me of this Sam Altman quote: “the most successful founders do not set out to create companies. They are on a mission to create something closer to a religion, and at some point it turns out that forming a company is the easiest way to do so.” (from this blog post)


I’ve been watching a lot of gaming related content recently, partly due to personal interest and partly because it’s a field I think could be heavily disrupted by AI. The main bottleneck in the gaming industry is how costly it is to create a new game. I wonder what would happen to the economics of gaming if the cost of game production were to go down by several orders of magnitude. I don’t have any fully baked thoughts on this but it’s something I’ve been thinking more about recently. Some content that I’ve found interesting on this topic are:

