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Week 1164

Justin and I spent more time this week playing around with image models and deployed a toy project to ghiblify.com. It takes an input image and regenerates it in the style of Studio Ghibli. If you go to the site right now, your first generation likely won’t work because the GPU is cold starting. Just refresh and the generations should take 3-5 seconds once the GPU is ready (takes about a minute). Or just watch the demo here.

My younger brother flew back home after his first semester at MIT. I was quite proud to hear his reflections and see how much he’s grown in the past few months. Sometimes I wonder how much my advice actually helps him. I’m biased in ways that may be harmful for him and the only unbiased advice I can give is a reminder to prioritize his health and relationships. I could do better at listening to my own advice too, but alas.



The Founders by Jimmy Soni

The importance of stupidity in scientific research by Martin A. Schwartz

The Secret History of Silicon Valley by Steve Blank