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Week 1154

I had an interesting conversation with my manager this week. She was giving me life advice about how to approach my early 20’s. She encouraged me to maximize fun and not care at all about how much things cost. Even to the extreme of taking money out of retirement accounts if I need to. I should explore new things and meet new people and spend as much time as I can with my friends. This is a special time where I will have the least dependencies in life and be in peak physical shape. I’m a bit skeptical about her take on retirement accounts but I agree with her general perspective of optimizing for life over money while I’m still young. I’ll hopefully have significantly higher income when I’m older so the little bit of money that I save now will be inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.


I didn’t do much focused exploration as I have in the past few weeks. I spent this week just trying to get my PR’s pushed on time and doing random stuff outside of work.

Here’s some of the random stuff I’ve been up to:


I finished reading The Biggest Bluff by Maria Konnikova. I really enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it. I appreciate Konnikova’s storytelling of all the emotional highs and lows she went through. I had similar takeaways while learning poker myself but she articulated them much better:

Stories like this make me wonder if I should try playing poker full-time. I think it would be a fun exercise, but being a professional poker player is all about maximizing expected value, and this would certainly be a lower EV decision for me compared to staying in tech.