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Week 1152

I spent some time this week exploring what I want to work on after my current project (multiplayer editing) at Retool. One thing that I’m interested in is growth and activation; I think it would be a fun topic to learn about and can potentially have outsized impact on Retool’s business. I went through some articles and podcasts and here are 2 resources I found most useful:

One of the most important parts of activation is user onboarding, and I’ve been trying to develop some intuition on what the ideal onboarding experience should be. I tried the onboarding flows for some other B2B SaaS products such as Airtable, Notion, Linear, Canva, and Figma. Here are some of my general takeaways:



I finished reading Exhalation: Stories by Ted Chiang. I would highly recommend it if you want to challenge yourself to see the world in different ways. It’s a collection of sci-fi short stories and each story presents a new perspective on how to think about our existence.

I started reading The Biggest Bluff by Maria Konnikova. She’s a psychology PhD who became a professional poker player and wrote this book to describe her journey from starting as a noob to becoming a winning tournament player. I read through the first two chapters fairly quickly since they were focused on describing the poker world for the uninitiated.



Nuclear fusion discussion at the All in Summit

Colin and Samir Show on AI Youtubers


Some random stuff: