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Week 1149 -- Hello World

Last week was my 22nd birthday!

I didn’t really feel any different about turning 1 year older, although one thing that is dawning on me is how fast each year goes by. It sometimes feels like I’m still 19 or 20 but I have to remind myself that I’ve graduated college and am an independent adult now. Maybe it’s because my lifestyle hasn’t changed too much from Berkeley to SF; I’m still living with roommates, spending a lot of hours on school/work, and found a new local salad shop that I go to 5 times a week (thanks Souvla!).

I’ve been journalling on and off for the past few years and I want to challenge myself to write and reflect at a more consistent pace. Google tells me there’s been 8.043 days since my birthday which is exactly 1149 weeks. Starting from this week, I’m going to try logging down life updates and my personal reflections at the end of each week. Hopefully it will be fun and interesting (and not too cringe!) to look back on someday.

This exercise is somewhat inspired by the book “Four Thousand Weeks” by Oliver Burkeman. I haven’t read it yet but the title itself was certainly eye-opening to ponder about.


Anyways, here’s some stuff that happened last week:


I also did some reading last week: